Sunday, April 29, 2007

My lack of preparation nearly backfired

I arrived in England, and was making all my plans thinking that my flight from London to Munich was on Tuesday. My lease at the boarding house in Erlangen starts on May 1, and I thought I had bought my plane ticket for Tuesday. But no, I was wrong. Turns out that I fly out from London tomorrow, on April 30th to Munich. So, I guess that will give me the opportunity to stay in a hostel in Munich.

So, yes, my poor planning skills nearly backfired, its a good thing that I checked the flight, but there is one good thing about going a day early, and that is that I'm sure Munich is cheaper than London. Seriously, the exchange rate is over 2 dollars for one pound and everything in London costs the same amount in pounds, if not more, as in dollars back in the US. The only thing that doesn't appear to have a 1 dollar to 1 pound correlation is pints. I'm ok with that, pints are about 2 pounds 50, which ain't that bad, even in dollars, for a big city. I'm not complaining though, I had some wonderful curry on Friday and Chinese tonight. So, yeah, it was double what I'm used, but you only live once and who knows when I'll be back in the UK. Oh wait, I do, end of July when I fly back to the states.

Right, travel plans taken care of. Let's move backwards to last night. Bryan and I went out towards Putney (great fun to say) around 5 pm for some pints at a pub right on the Thames. Great times there, you get your pint, walk out the bar, and stand on the pavement looking down on the river. Had a couple of bitters there and then moved on to another pub. It was a bit crowded but we grabbed a table outside, after a while a couple of ladies looking for a spot to sit joined us, but at that point I was waiting in line to get a couple of 6 pound burgers from the barbecue there. So, I return and there are some ladies at the table, but they are engorssed in their conversation and we are engrossed in our beers. Plus, I wasn't extremely keen on chatting with them, as neither was extremely attractive (oh, mental note, Englsih women, in general, not cute).

A bit latter, another two of their friends showed up to share the table, and then I became interested in conversing with them. I noted the unattractiveness of the English before, allow me to take this opportunity to comment on the loveliness of the Irish. And yes, this is relevant as one of the new arrivals was a lovely Irish lass. (I really must make it over to Ireland this summer). Anyway, Bryan and I end up chatting with the ladies for a while, it gets on towards midnight, and then we decide to pop over to a club.

Arrive at club, 10 QUID coever! Crazy, I can't abide this stuff. Anyway, club wasn't that bad, they were at least playing some R&B, but most of the songs they were playing were awful. I don't understand how some one who apparently doesn't care for dance music and has dreadful taste ends up being a DJ at a club, but apparently this is the norm, because I've respected maybe one or two club DJs I've ever heard. Aside from the crap music, it was nice to be in a club. Ya'll know I love to dance, and despite the poor musical selections, I was able to do that.

Right, so then its getting on toward 3 am, and yes, that means that we've been out and about for nearly 10 hours, luckily, since my undergrad days, I have learned the importance of pacing myself. So, yes 3 am, the ladies, one of whom is keen on Bryan (unfortunately, the lovely Irish girl appears not to be so keen on me)
- oh wait, let's stop a moment for an aside. Earlier in the evening, I was in fine form. First, one of the girls was talking about her troubles letting some fellow go after she'd been on a couple of dates with him - it just wasn't there. So, of course I jump in with some advice, etc. And end up offering up a gem piece of advice that included the term 'Adult lovers.' I have no idea where this came from. It was ridiculous, and a bit funny, but really just silly. I was talking in some way about how honesty about when you are not keen on someone is the best way to go, and then I said 'Adult lovers.' Oh, and I also managed to insult their drinking habits by criticizing their decision to drink a rose. So, yes, I was surprised they were still around.

So, back to the club. The ladies invite us to their flat for a bit. At the flat, we encounter a 6 foot long (or rather 2 meter) iguana. Yes, there was a giant iguana there. It was asleep. I tickled it, it responded. It was funny. Right, so we spent a little time there, had a spot of tea, watched a bit of the television, and then Bryan and I proceeded home.
A fun evening, but I probably could have ended it 5 hours earlier and been just as happy and in much better shape this morning.

Today, played a bit of softball, or rather helped some british learn to play softball in Regents Park, had a few pints at a pub, had some Chinese food, and then came back to Bryan's to write this ridiculously long blog.

I am wordy.

And I am leaving for Germany tomorrow. I need an English to German dictionary.


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