Sunday, May 13, 2007


Yes, I've been on a crazy posting spree lately; don't complain, I know you love it. But this time, I must disappoint those of you looking for stories akin to the one in which I get a bra thrown to me whilst singing karaoke. Instead, its time for more of my political philosophizing. Today's topic is taxes.

So, throughout most of the States, you see sales taxes of around 5 to 7%. Here in Germany, sales taxes are 19%. I think that's just about where our sales taxes should be. Consumption of goods is an equitable way to tax the people, as long as basic foodstuffs are available at reduced or no tax. Taxing the consumption of goods, energy usage, cigarettes, booze, gasoline, non-defense lawyers, capital gains, inheritance, and financial planners is a way to equitably tax those who have the money to spend and reduce the tax burden on folks who don't earn as much.

By taxing the above list of items, and offering significant credits for use of renewable energies, investment in education, etc. we could reduce the income tax and ease the financial hardships faced by many families while increasing the revenue to the gov't for use on projects such as a proper rail system and universal health care.

So yeah, let's do that. Again, I'm sure this will not sit well with some folks and when it comes time for me to run for political office, this may provide some ammunition for my opponents. Fine, I look forward to defending this idea and my plan for a substantially subsidized public transportation system. Also, I think we need to cut back on subsidies of milk and encourage the eating of buffalo meat instead of cattle meat. On the cattle tip, first of all, its only a recent evolutionary development that allows adult humans to metabolize lactose. We don't actually need it, we can get plenty of calcium from other food sources. And as for buffalo, not only does it in my opinion taste better than beef, but buffalo are the natural grazers for in the states and are able to graze in areas with coarser vegetation. One of these days I'll link to some decent articles about these topics.

Right, that's it for now.

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