Saturday, April 28, 2007

Lovely England

England has greeted me warmly, with temperatures around 25 C, and wonderfully sunny. Getting here wasn't the most fun. We sat on the runway in Chicago for two hours because of misty conditions and some baggage issues. I also wasn't feeling so hot, so I took some Tylenol PM before getting on the plane. The good news: Tylenol PM knocks me right out. The bad news: it knocked me out much too quickly, so I fell asleep while we were on the runway, but I was then unable to fall asleep during the seven hour flight.

I watched Dreamgirls on the flight, there's no way that film should have been considered for best picture. Thankfully, it didn't win, it was mostly crap, with only a few decent songs.

Arrived in Manchester too late to catch my scheduled flight to London, but got on another one easily enough at 10:30 GMT (4:30 am my time). So, of course, I get on that 1 hour flight and I fall right asleep. I arrived in London a tired and sweaty man and caught the tube to my buddy Bryan's sweet place. Not the greatest location for fun and bars(its around a bit aways from the tower bridge, but right on the Thames) but he ain't complaining as its a good deal and furnished. I took a little nap upon arrival and then took the tube over to the Liverpool St area (the financial district) where Bryan works to meet him after work for a few drinks.

I missed British Beer. Especially the proper draughts.

We then proceeded to a nearby area to get some proper curry. I also missed Indian food. And this place was excellent, several appetizers and an order of lamb curry and Nan later, I entered a coma - part food, part lack of sleep. So, Bryan and I returned to his place, and finished off the evening with some Scotch Whiskey and Cubans.

This morning, I awoke fully rested and London time. So, while Bryan went into work for a bit to study for his CFA exam, I took the tube over to the Tower Bridge area. I toured the Tower of London on my own and took some good pictures (which I'll post after I get them developed). Saw the Crown Jewels (yawn), the armory was pretty neat though. I saw most of the rest of the sights in London back in 2000, so I'm content with that being my lone touristy thing.

We'll hit the town tonight, and then tomorrow, interestingly enough, there's a softball practice for his company's team. A lot of British lads are going to be playing who have never played before, so I'll be able to lend my expertise to help them out.

I don't have any crazy stories yet. I'm sorry. I feel like every blog I post without a funny story is a failure. So, please don't give up on me. Maybe I'll have some good ones after tonight.


Darci said...

Hi Mark,
Just your former choir director checking in from my boring, working-mom world. Thank goodness I have former students like you to live vicariously through, or I'd be stuck in West Bend with my minivan and dirty diapers! I'm proud to be the first to post a comment to your new blog...enjoy your travels and have a draught for me! (but just one...I'm a light weight)

Anonymous said...

Hey Mark,

I'm pretty jealous having lived in the UK for 6 months that you can enjoy proper Curry and draughts. How come you are so much cooler than your bro??? He would like fifty migraines before he would pick up a scotch.
