Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mom's Day Mom!

So we arrive today at one of the two Hallmark holidays I'm actually OK with, Mother's Day (you figure out what the other one is). It ain't often enough that many of share our love for our folks with them (especially guys - society tells us the expression of emotion is not manly and it takes a bit of deprogramming to get passed that). So, I guess I'm OK with holidays that remind us all that our parents are owed some love from us for everything they've done and continue to do for us.

So, a special (hmm I almost wrote shout-out here, but then I realized that would just be stupid, we need a new colloquialism to replace shout out - how about "sky writing?") sky writing goes out to my folks for all the support and love and affection they've given me over the years. I think this is also a good time for us all to also thank all the other folks who have provided us with important support and guidance - whether it be that special friend, a mentor, etc.

But, back to the parents tip... Mom, Dad, I don't know how you guys did it, but you've raised me so well that my only flaw is a glaring lack of humility :) You found the perfect balance of encouraging me to learn and explore society's conventional beliefs while also striking the perfect balance of encouraging me to question those very learnings and find my own way. I can't think of many parents who would first require that I attend all Catholicism classes (which was great fun for me by the way - that was the one area where I could really have some fun with the teachers, oh how they couldn't stand me) and then accept it when I declared my intention to not get confirmed. You should a faith in me then that few parents would show in an obnoxious teenager, and you continued to show that faith in my decision making abilities when I quite grad school years later. You've both done a great job helping me to look more closely and evaluate the choices that I make while not being overbearing or restrictive.

For all of that, and so much more, I thank you and send my love and appreciation from Germany back across the Atlantic to ya'll. Love, your globe-trotting son, Mark (ah, that's my one regret, I kinda wish I was Marcus instead of Mark, ah well, I guess I can live with that one complaint).

So, remember everyone, show your folks, and the folks-like-figures in your lives some love.

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