Sunday, May 20, 2007

Tales and Pictures from Vienna

I've just returned from Vienna (really, its Wien, but for some reason that I don't really understand, we don't call lots of countries or cities the names they actually have in the local language; why do we call it Germany and not Deutschland - I think we should call a place its name in the local tongue). Good times were had. I walked around a lot, met some cool people, took lots of pictures. That's the gist of it. You can see all of the photos I took here. If you are so inclined, you can read on for my accounts of what went on with some pictures interspersed (I wish I had something really, really exciting to recount to get you to read on, but I don't - I could have gone clubbing with a bunch of Italians last night, and maybe that would have led to some good stories, but I was tired and whimped out).

Actually, on second thought, I'm not going to write anymore. I just played some soccer, and I don't have any excellent stories to regale you with, so just enjoy the pictures. On tap for me this week is research (the purported reason I am here) and the Bergkirchweigh, the giant beer festival. I'll have three fellow Madisonian Medical Physicists crashing on my floor (as they are over here for a conference. The next weekend, I plan to visit Salzburg and the area of Germany where The Eagle's Nest, Hitler's 50th birthday present, is. Its in an area of the German Alps called Berchtesgaden, and is gorgeous. Other than that, I've got a trip to Barcelona booked for the weekend of June 22nd, and I'm working on a trip to Rome in July.